The Sky-Watcher AZ-EQ5 Multi-Purpose GoTo Mount is a highly versatile medium-weight mount that will satisfy all of your needs, including alt-azimuth or equatorial set-ups, and the ability to mount two telescopes at once! With a weight capacity of 30 pounds, the AZ-EQ5 will easily handle most refractors as well as Schmidt-Cassegrain’s and Newtonians with apertures of 8” or less.
You will love the hybrid capabilities of the Sky-Watcher AZ-EQ5 mount!
For terrestrial use, visual astronomy, or quick photos of bright objects in our solar system, set the AZ-EQ5 up in alt-azimuth mode.
Deep-sky imaging calls for an equatorial mount. This mount offers features that astro-imagers will love, such as Permanent Periodic Error Correction (PPEC), an autoguider port, a DSLR electronic shutter release port, low backlash, and +/- 5 seconds of native periodic error. Two 7.5 lb. counterweights are included in the AZ-EQ5 mount package, as does a counterweight shaft extension with an interior that allows cabling to run through its center.
If you are doing outreach at a school or want to share your views at a star party, the Sky-Watcher AZ-EQ5 comes with two V-style mounting saddles so that you can mount two telescopes, one on each side of the mount.
Computerized, GoTo capabilities with a huge 42,900 object database
Regardless of the set-up you choose, the AZ-EQ5 offers GoTo capabilities via the included SynScan hand controller. The computerized controller houses easy-to-understand alignment instructions, as well as a massive 42,900 object database. Should you choose to move your telescope and find objects from a computer instead of the hand controller, there are several planetarium programs available on the market with telescope control features as well as beautiful representations of the Universe.
A high quality tripod is also included with the Sky-Watcher AZ-EQ5 mount. The tripod has steel legs that are adjustable, and the feet are spiked to increase stability.