Meade LX85 8″ Reflector OTA
Meade’s LX85 8″ reflector is a lightweight optical tube assembly that you can use on many different mounts for either visual astronomy or astro-imaging. The mirrored optics of the Meade LX85 Newtonian reflector provide true color images that will wow even the most experienced refractor user. At 18.4lbs, the Meade LX85 8″ reflector optical tube assembly is lightweight and portable enough to go with you to even the most remote dark sky locations.
The Meade LX85 8” Newtonian Reflector is great for astrophotography as well. With a fast f/5 focal ratio you will notice bright, wide field images of the sky.
To start you off right, Meade is including two 1.25″ eyepieces (a 26 mm and a 9 mm Super Plossl) as well as an 8 X 50 optical finder with the LX85 package. Your new telescope will be ready for observing right out of the box!