The new LPI-G (Lunar Planetary Imager and Guider) from Meade is a versatile addition to any astrophotographer’s arsenal. Unlike some cameras that only work for one type of astrophotography, the LPI-G does double duty as a solar system camera and a guide camera for long exposure deep sky imaging.
Capture the Moon and planets
If you’re a visual observer looking to discover the hobby of astrophotography, there’s no better way to get started than with this portable, easy-to-use planetary camera. The 1.25” barrel size fits perfectly in place of your eyepiece and connects to your laptop via USB. Simply slew your telescope to the Moon or any planet and begin capturing with the Meade’s included SkyCapture software. When paired with a proper solar filter, you can also use LPI-G to image the Sun.
LPI-G’s color CMOS sensor makes capturing objects a one step process while remaining super sensitive for increased image detail.
Or capture deep space with LPI-G as a guide camera
If you want to track celestial objects like galaxies and nebulae, you need to track them over long exposure times. Add an autoguider and guide camera to your German equatorial mount and a whole new array of deep space objects are within reach.
To use LPI-G as a guide camera, drop the 1.25” barrel into your guide scope or off-axis guider. The camera features a dedicated ST-4 port for attaching your autoguider. Use a standalone unit or your PC—LPI-G works with all the most popular capture software including Maxim DL, PHD, and FireCapture.