Coronado 90 SolarMax III Double Stack Solar Telescope
with RichView Tuning & 30 mm Blocking Filter
The 90 mm SolarMax III Double Stack Hydrogen-Alpha Solar Telescope has been designed by Coronado with high-performance solar optics. This 90mm double stack refractor has a focal ratio of f/8.9 and an 800mm focal length. It is equipped with two 90mm external hydrogen-alpha etalons, providing higher contrast and sharper features than a double stacked solar scope fitted with an internal and external filter. The external etalons work in conjunction with a 30mm blocking filter situated in a 1.25″ star diagonal. Together, the tunable external etalons and the blocking filter produce a < 0.5 Angstrom passband which yields an optimal balance of prominence and surface detail.
Another great feature of the double-stacked Coronado 90 SolarMax III is the ability to view not only in the <0.5A bandwidth but in the <0.7A bandwidth as well! To accomplish this you would remove the first etalon (the one attached to the telescope OTA) and then replace it with the second etalon for <0.7A viewing. In fact, you can remove both etalons and turn your SolarMax III into a very nice, fast night-time telescope! Only the SolarMax III telescopes can be used in this manner, which makes them very flexible indeed!
The 90mm SolarMax III is a beautiful instrument, just like all the Coronado SolarMax telescopes. The polished brass and black anodized components complement each other very well, giving the scope a timeless, classy look. The focuser on the SolarMax III is a 2″ rack and pinion model that has dual-speed 10:1 focusing. The ability to make both coarse and fine focus changes will definitely enhance your viewing pleasure.
You can mount the 90mm SolarMax III Solar Telescope on any sturdy mount that accepts a Vixen-Style dovetail. If you plan to do solar photography we recommend a more substantial mount. Give us a shout if you’d like help choosing a mount, imaging camera, or anything else that you might need to make this the perfect solar set-up!