Coronado 30 mm Blocking Filter
This Coronado 30 mm Blocking Filter is as necessary for your safety and the system’s performance as the primary element. If you are switching to a longer focal length telescope your SolarMax system you can purchase blocking filters separately.
Focal Length <3000mm – BF30
There is no advantage for visual use in using a larger blocking filter than required based on the focal length; however, based on customer feedback, we understand that for imaging with telescopes under 500mm fl, the BF10 is easier to use than the BF5. The Blocking Filter is not a stand-alone filter. It is an integral part of the Coronado design and cannot be used without a SolarMax series filter on the front of the optical system.
The BF5, 10, and 15 are all 1.25″ right angle diagonals. The BF30 is a 2″ straight through design and comes with a 1.25″ Zero Length reducer.