Apertura 5X APO Barlow – 1.25″
Easy to install and use, the Apertura 5X Barlow Lens gives amateur astronomers the highest quality image and excellent color correction at a great price. This quality Barlow lens accepts 1.25″ eyepieces and is threaded for 1.25″ filters. The Apertura 5X APO Barlow Lens is designed with three elements that are fully multi-coated. Using this Barlow Lens with any 1.25″ eyepiece will give you quintuple the magnification that the eyepiece would alone!
PS: Quintupling the magnification of an eyepiece will take you from 0 to 60 in a flash! Remember that your telescope’s aperture and the evening’s seeing conditions will dictate how much magnification you can achieve and still stay in focus. For the best results on any given night, have a collection of different magnification eyepieces as well as a Barlow or two available. That way you can make adjustments as seeing conditions change.