The Konus 4886 Slide Set identifies the variations in common vegetable and plant cell types and is great for educational purposes. You get 10 prepared slides and 10 blank slides and they come in a sturdy and cool looking wooden case. Plus, the information is offered in 8 languages; English, Italian, French, German, Russian, Spanish, Portuguese, and Greek!
This prepared slide set contains:
- Cells with crystals from cactus t.s.
- Elderberry, Sambucus stem t.s.
- Mullein, Verbascum branched leaf hairs.
- Glandular cells in rosemary leaf t.s.
- Sunflower leaf with hairs t.s.
- Waterlily Nymphaea stem, stellate hairs.
- Dead nettle Lamium stem t.s.
- Potato, Solanum tuber t.s.
- Pollen grains, mixed species.
- Isolated vessels from plant stem.